Judy in the Dyes: California Part Deux
It was another gorgeous day, and not only could we see a magnificent view of Mt. San Jacinto in the background but we also saw some beautiful birds including a Meadowlark, female Vermillion Flycatcher, Ruddy Duck, and Cinnamon Teal. .... Installment #3 of the Blue Iris fabric palette projects. You can find ordering information for the fabric here. I had a lot of fun with these! 22 hours ago. Elizabeth Creates. HEre is the delightful space where I will be teaching classes! ...
black and blue wallpaper hd
Wallpaper hd space wallpapers squad for a year. Here are the undrafted rookies the Black and Blue Background - black, blue, desktop, stars, texture Forest Fairy Tale - Beautiful Birds in Spring - Black-naped Blue Flycatcher.
____Bush Bernie's Garden Blog____: Flower Flaunt on Friday ...
As if to make up for the pitiful lack of colour out there in my garden, I've noticed a couple of colourful visitors popping by almost every day. Can you see the colourful couple high up in the trees? This pair of Rainbow Lorikeets have ... Your Orchid is gorgeous, and so is the Pentas. It's good to see the birds returning to your property to. I saw a mug in a shop the other day it said "A garden is a friend that always their for you no matter what." How true that is. :o) ...
Donald the birder's blog: Spring day, winter birds
As I was looking at the Snow Geese in the scope, a Red-necked Grebe popped up in the foreground - a life bird! The bird looked as if it was going to fall over on its bill, as it looked to be leaning forward. I got good looks at it, but it was hard to keep ...... Blue-winged Teal: March 2011 Wallpaper - Continuing the theme of reflection images, our March 2011 wallpaper is this handsome drake Blue-winged Teal photographed in Colorado in April 2009. To set ... 1 day ago ...
Red and the Peanut: ...messing around with color.
Kathy A. Johnson said... Awesome work, Kelly...or should I say play? Because a fun spirit comes through in all of them. I particularly like the golden crowned kinglet in autumn--gorgeous colors and sweet little bird. March 1, 2011 2:53 PM ..... 73. Baltimore Oriole. 74. Indigo Bunting. 75. Black-throated Green Warbler. 76. Blue-winged Warbler. 77. Nashville Warbler. 78. Prairie Warbler. 79. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. 80. Great-crested Flycatcher. 81. Red-shouldered Hawk ...
Greenville, Ohio - Brookville Daily Photo
Small-headed Flycatcher ... - ... and Other Mystery Birds in J.J. Audubon's *âThe Birds of America.â* There are five birds in John James Audubon's work that are mystery birds. He named... 16 hours ago. Tallahassee Daily Photo ... Roses are red but Violets are not blue - There I was standing forlornly beneath a tall tree staring at the tiny pond covered by huge waterlilies below. Hoping against hope that a bird, any bird fo... 4 days ago. Underway! Shift Colors ...
Thomas Finnie Photography: Spring 2010 Migration in Review. It was ...
We left Sabine Refuge and barely set foot in Peveto when a stunning brilliant yellow bird with ebony wings and a red cast to its head flew by. It was astonishing to witness a gorgeous rare, review list male Western Tanager. ... The vast array of brightly colored birds around us inspirational. This rare, review list Audubon's Warbler graced us with his presence at Peveto. A small Least Flycatcher was perched on a limb waiting to ambush any unsuspecting insects flying by. ...
Trip Report - Tanzania Northern Circuit - Otis in Africa - Part ...
We avoid dark blue or green because the tsetse traps used in Tanzania are often based on the TZ flag, and that must mean something. Note that, regardless of what you wear, if there are tsetse's about they will dine on you. ... Among the many birds there (including many chickens!) Moses spotted a male Paradise-flycatcher, which we chased for five minutes through the trees. The best shot I got included plastic brooms and a toilet building in the background, but a beautiful ...
Red and the Peanut: The Hooded Warblers of Shawnee...and How to ...
I kept trying to figure out how I could recreate the wet, dark feel of the woods and the electric yellow of the warbler when a stylized image of the bird surrounded by maple leaves popped in my head. The more I thought about ..... 73. Baltimore Oriole. 74. Indigo Bunting. 75. Black-throated Green Warbler. 76. Blue-winged Warbler. 77. Nashville Warbler. 78. Prairie Warbler. 79. Rose-breasted Grosbeak. 80. Great-crested Flycatcher. 81. Red-shouldered Hawk. 82. Hermit Thrush ...
A Gardener in Progress: House hunting already?
I was a bird, I think I'd hunker down for a few more weeks before thinking about nest building. As for commotion and busy parts of the garden, our flycatchers didn't mind last year. They nested on the light by the front door! .... I've had a pair of blue tits roosting in the nest box on our fence, which has prevented me from clearing it out ready for Spring! The confusing thing is they are behaving as if they are feeding young already, perching at the entrance poking ...